Triathletes are the Type ‘A’s of the sporting world. We embrace the challenge, revel in the pain and possess the drive to continually find that extra one per cent. Past glories are fleeting and we ‘know’ we can always do
5 more reasons to love Triathlon
I’m always getting asked why I love this sport so much. With the most common reaction being “that sounds horrid!, why would you want to do such a thing”. And, to a certain extent I have to agree. I
No Peacocking When Shit Happens
Tri Monkey is about sharing experiences, learnings, mistakes and hopefully motivating people to start “changing their life one hour at a time”. Yet ironically, for the past week, I’ve been debating whether or not I share my results from my
Find Your Motivation
I’ve always been lazy by nature, and fall into the ‘all or nothing’ category of almost anything I attempt. This unfortunate propensity applies to my general physical fitness and wellbeing. In summary, I occasionally become alarmed by some aspect of my
Triathlon – Just Do It
So many new and budding triathletes start their journey worrying about things that are out of their control. And to often their excuses, fears, lack of confidence and assumptions result in them “not doing it”. Does this sound familiar? “I